Our Goalies Skills Growth Training (SGT) is advanced training is for Girls/Boys playing inside/outside the crease…producing Under Armour All American goalies!
Our goalies are trained to be a triple threat. Stance, Position and skill between the pipes, Commanding the Defense, and Turning Saves into Instant Offense!
We train to do the quiet things loud, and when they have that WOW moment during a game can be the difference between winning and losing. Our Coaches will work not only on footwork within the crease, but also growing the confidence to play outside the crease, all the while commanding the defense. We also work on progressions clearing from the crease, and clearing outside and on the run.
Lacrosse IQ is huge for a goalie. We go over how to be a leader on a ride/redefend. How to use the player advantage on clears, and making the right calls on defense to neutralize the offense. This training will help players become a beast in the cage, but also help with different skills that will help them shine at a tryout or showcase.
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